Friday, October 31, 2014

Mad Libs

Famous Ninjas in History
Although a slowly secretive bunch, some ninjas became known all over (the) Gallifrey for their annoying ways.  Here are a few of the most infamous chickens.
  • The Purple Dragon:  Famed for the solid gold, fire-breathing cow that he wore on a chain around his elbow, this ninja’s awesomely gorgeous moves inspired millions of young tables to take up martial arts.
  • The Pencil Assassin:  This ninja was known for his big ability to eat across the tops of the tallest daleks with the stealth and speed of a rocket-powered wizard.
  • Bob the Ninja:  Perhaps the most incredible of all modern ninjas,, Bob—nicknamed the Sleeping Orangutan—could wield his short weapons as precisely with his shins as he could with his hands.

Video Games

I love to jump video games.  I can play them day and minion!  My mom and hippo are not too happy with my dancing so much time in front of the television computer.  Although my Dad believes that these fat games help children develop hand-ear coordination and improve their learning clocks, he also seems to think they have giant side effects on one’s finger.  Both of my chairs think this is due to a stupid use of violence in the majority of the cats.  Finally, we all arrived at a huge compromise:  After dinner I can play 3528 hours of video games, provided I help clear the pony and wash the flowers.

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