Monday, November 17, 2014

Argument Essay Checklist

Melynda Phillips
English 1301
October, 24, 2014
Argument Essay Checklist
1- State your topic and the opinion that you will use to create your thesis statement.
            My topic for the Argument Essay is dating with a purpose.  My opinion is the purpose of dating is to find the person you will marry and one should wait to date until they are ready to think about marriage.  I do not think dating should be as recreational as it is these days.
2- What is the counter-argument to your main idea?
            Dating recreationally at a young age provides experience in relationships that can be useful when you are ready for marriage.  It also helps fitting in socially as dating is the “norm” amongst this generation.
3- What is the common ground between your point and the opposing side?
            Both my opinion and the opposing opinion both are trying to help build lasting relationships and marriages.
4- Provide one example each of your ethos, pathos, and logos.
            Ethos - Being a teenager and going through these experiences myself, give me the credibility necessary to write this argument.
            Pathos - The emotional appeal to my argument is that you will save yourself from many tears, heartbreak, mental scarring and baggage.
            Logos - Logically speaking, there is no point to dating until you are looking for your future spouse.  Dating recreationally would be a waste of time and money.
5- State what you think your logical fallacy will be about your topic.

            My would probably be the assumption that dating without a purpose is a waste of time and can hurt future relationships.

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