Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Monday, December 1, 2014

Semester Narrative

Melynda Phillips
English 1301
December 5, 2014
Semester Narrative
English 1301 was my first college course and I feel it went pretty well.  It was certainly an easy course, but that was good as it eased me into taking college classes.  While the class was great for me, and an easy A, I went in expecting to learn more about writing than I actually got to.  The class seemed unfocused and not much learning was actually done.
During the classes, most of our time was spent discussing various topics.  I understand that this was to teach us to communicate, however I would have much rather spent time learning how to write a good essay.  The learning that was accomplished seemed very basic.  I am not sure if that is just the syllabus or if the class required simple instruction, but nonetheless I do not feel I learned much of anything this semester.  I chose this as my first class, hoping to learn to write a good college-leveled paper, but I am still not sure if I can do that.
As for how I feel I did myself this semester, I feel pretty confident with my grades.  I have managed to get all A’s except for on the group project.  The only reason I got a B on that was because my group failed to put forth decent effort on the project.  Other than that I seem to have done well.  This may be due to easy grading, or I am a ton better at writing than I give myself credit for, either way I’ll take it.
I do not feel my writing is good enough for the grades I received, however I would take the A any day rather than argue that I am not being graded hard enough.  While I do not think my essays are good, I did gain confidence in writing them this semester, and if nothing else I did manage to write interesting papers.
This semester was partially successful even though I may not have learned all I hoped for and my writing may still be rough.  Yet, I did become more comfortable with my writing and got a great grade that will help me towards my goals.

Friday, November 21, 2014

This Is Me

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Would you rather vacation in Paris of take a three week trip down the Amazon?

   Assuming the vacation in Paris is in Paris, France not Texas, and is three weeks long as well, I would much rather go there.  Why would anyone want to go to the bug infested, extreme conditions of the Amazon, when they could have a nice relaxing vacation in Paris?  In Paris, you have the wonderful city, with amazing food, views, and attractions.  What do you get in the Amazon?  Probably a disease, and you might get to eat bugs that could poison you... Yay!  I feel that there is no question about it, I would hands down rather go to Paris over the Amazon any day.

Monday, November 17, 2014

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Argument Essay Checklist

Melynda Phillips
English 1301
October, 24, 2014
Argument Essay Checklist
1- State your topic and the opinion that you will use to create your thesis statement.
            My topic for the Argument Essay is dating with a purpose.  My opinion is the purpose of dating is to find the person you will marry and one should wait to date until they are ready to think about marriage.  I do not think dating should be as recreational as it is these days.
2- What is the counter-argument to your main idea?
            Dating recreationally at a young age provides experience in relationships that can be useful when you are ready for marriage.  It also helps fitting in socially as dating is the “norm” amongst this generation.
3- What is the common ground between your point and the opposing side?
            Both my opinion and the opposing opinion both are trying to help build lasting relationships and marriages.
4- Provide one example each of your ethos, pathos, and logos.
            Ethos - Being a teenager and going through these experiences myself, give me the credibility necessary to write this argument.
            Pathos - The emotional appeal to my argument is that you will save yourself from many tears, heartbreak, mental scarring and baggage.
            Logos - Logically speaking, there is no point to dating until you are looking for your future spouse.  Dating recreationally would be a waste of time and money.
5- State what you think your logical fallacy will be about your topic.

            My would probably be the assumption that dating without a purpose is a waste of time and can hurt future relationships.

Argument Essay (3)

Melynda Phillips
English 1301
November 3, 2014
Dating With a Purpose
            Casual dating is extremely common with this generation's adolescents.  Many teens today have boyfriends and girlfriends who come and go.  Recreational dating is practically a social standard in today's society of teens.  Not having a boyfriend or girlfriend means not being “cool.”  If somebody is not dating, they are not with the “in crowd.”  The issue with this is that they do not maintain these “relationships”; for example, teens will date the same person for a month or two and then break-up. Even though these relationships last miniscule amounts of time, the breakups still damage them both mentally and physically.  When a teen goes through so many breakups, each one scarring their heart a little deeper, it only emotionally hardens them and makes it easier for them to justify future breakups and even divorce.  To prevent emotional and physical trauma, dating should only be used when one is ready to find their future spouse.
            Many teens date, but why?  People may argue that dating is a necessity for development in adolescents (Viejo Almanzor, 2012), as it could teach them how to maintain a relationship.  Teens may learn respect for others' emotions and to expect the same in return; they can also learn to have empathy and to care for people through relationships.  However, one could also gain experience in maintaining relationships simply by having friendships and family relations.  Why should people date if they can learn the same life lessons without the heartbreak?  There is no point in dating unless you are looking for a future spouse.  Dating at a young age only causes trauma and heartache from the frequent breakups involved.
            Teens are simply not mature enough to maintain a real solid relationship, nor are they ready to think about marriage.  When a young adult is ready to settle down, get married, and possibly start a family, then they should start dating.  Until then, there is no reason for them to cause themselves problems.  As a teenager myself, I do not feel the need for a romantic relationship and do not understand why I would need one at this point.  While I have not experienced heartbreak from a breakup with a boyfriend or girlfriend, I have experienced it with regular friends.  I imagine breaking up with a boyfriend would hurt much worse, but just splitting with my friend hurt badly enough.  How anyone could go through this pain, multiple times on a larger scale amazes me.  I noticed after splitting with my friend, I have trouble becoming emotionally attached to other people and I have trouble trusting them.  And while my friend and I have forgiven each other I still do not feel comfortable with her anymore.  How could this be “good and developmental” for teens?  The way I see it, these experiences only teach them to shut people out.
            Many people realize that breakups can cause emotional distress, but it has recently been found that they can also cause physical distress.  Studies have shown that the figurative term “heartache” can be taken quite literally.  “Rejection in romantic relationships is said to be so painful that people are “not only in agony, but incapacitated”” (Field et al, 2009).  People involved in recent breakups are known to experience rapid heartbeats, palpitations, chest tightness, and shortness of breath.  Other studies have shown that break-ups cause physical pain; participants received four fMRIs (functional magnetic resonance imaging) each; two to test physical pain and two to test emotional pain.  To test physical pain participants received two kinds of stimulation on their forearm called “hot trials” and “warm trials.”  The results from this were compared to results from a test in which participants viewed a picture of their ex-partner and another where they viewed a picture of a friend the same gender as the ex-partner.  The fMRIs showed practically the same results when comparing the “hot trial” to the “ex-partner test” and the “warm trial” to the “friend test.”  Participants were also asked to rank how they felt on a scale of one to five after each trial.  The results from each trial/test comparison were equivalent (Flaskerud, 2011).  This study and many others successfully demonstrate the connection between physical and mental distress; breakups can cause real pain.
            The breakups involved in teen dating can cause many psychological issues.  These can include  depression, anxiety, and other psychological trouble.  When a person goes through a break-up, they may experience many stages of depression: complicated grief, self-blame, and hopelessness. Complicated grief is often associated with those suffering depression from a recent death; however, it can also be found in those who have gone through a breakup.  Complicated grief consists of intense intrusive thoughts, severe emotional outbreaks, excessive loneliness and emptiness, sleep disturbances, and lack of motivation.  Victims of a breakup can also feel as if they were rejected.  This feeling of rejection can affect people with symptoms similar to those of drug withdrawal of cocaine or opioids; these include the obvious anxiety, depression, and crying, as well as loss of appetite, and irritability (Field et al, 2009).  These symptoms similar to both complicated grief and drug withdrawal can be found extremely prominent in those who recently experienced a breakup.
            The distress and depression resulting from breakups can also cause long-term issues.  Victims may go through phases of self-blame and hopelessness.  They feel as though it is their fault this particular relationship did not work and that they will cause problems in all relationships.  This may cause them to have anxiety and skepticism is future relationships for fear of their future another break-up.  They may become guarded with their emotions and stay distant from the person they are dating in order to save themselves from heartbreak.  This distance will only damage the new relationship and possibly lead to another breakup, making the situation even worse. 
            After a going through many breakups, one can become “hardened” to the emotional pain.  Eventually, the ending of a relationship may mean nothing to them.  How is it “okay” to leave somebody you were supposed to love?  It should not be, but when adolescents date they become accustomed to the constant switching of boyfriends and girlfriends.  While, the split-ups still hurt, they are normal for the teens; they do not think anything is wrong with the breakups.  This hardening can make it easier to breakup with someone, or even, on a larger scale, divorce somebody over an insignificant matter.  A marriage is supposed to be forever, but the way these adolescents think handle their relationships now will carry over to when they are married.
            Why would anyone put themselves through all this pain with no purpose?   Adolescent dating only brings pain and emotional scarring that lasts a lifetime.  The inevitable breakups, due to immaturity, will cause much grief and heartache.  The truth is, unless you are ready for marriage, there is no point in dating.  It is simply not worth the trouble and heartbreak it causes.

 Works Cited
Boelen, Paul A., and Albert Reijntjes. "Negative Cognitions In Emotional Problems Following       Romantic Relationship Break-Ups."Stress & Health: Journal Of The International Society For           The Investigation Of Stress 25.1 (2009): 11-19. Academic Search Complete. Web. 26 Oct. 2014.
Field, Tiffany, et al. "Breakup Distress In University Students: A Review." College Student             Journal 45.3 (2011): 461-480.Academic Search Complete. Web. 26 Oct. 2014.
Flaskerud, Jacquelyn H. "Heartbreak And Physical Pain Linked In Brain." Issues In Mental Health             Nursing 32.12 (2011): 789-791.Academic Search Complete. Web. 26 Oct. 2014.
Viejo Almanzor, Carmen, Virginia Sánchez Jiménez, and Rosario Ortega Ruiz. "The Importance Of             Adolescent Dating Relationships." Psicothema 25.1 (2013): 43-48. Academic Search Complete.    Web. 26 Oct. 2014.

Melynda Phillips
English 1301
November 3, 2014
Argument Paper Reflection
            For this assignment I chose to write on dating with a purpose; this topic is extremely important to me because I see so many girls my age going through heartbreak after heartbreak.  And for what?  Just to fit in?  To me this is absolutely ridiculous and it needs to be brought to people attention what damage this casual adolescent dating can cause.
            While I had much to say on this particular topic, I found it hard to write this paper because it was difficult to find the necessary sources to back my claims up (I wrote my rough draft before I knew I could use Google Scholar).  I wasted much of my time trying to do research on an extremely uncommon subject.
            Once I did get my research done and had my sources I had difficulty getting my paper to the required length.  My paper started as only two pages and I had no idea how to lengthen it.  I finally got my paper barely to the minimum of four pages, but doing so, I feel, required a ton a rambling on my part.  I feel my paper has a lot of unnecessary bits and pieces, that if it were not for the set length of essay, I would remove.
            With all said and done I would likely grade this paper as a C.  It is not my best work and I do not feel it is well put together.

Descriptive Narrative Essay (2)

Melynda Phillips
English 1301
October 10, 2014
Junior Year Decisions
I am a junior in high school, and I have been home schooled since I was in third
grade. Being home schooled allowed me to work ahead in school and complete nearly all
of the subjects necessary for graduating. Having completed the largest portion of my
high school work, I had the choice to either stay at home and only study one or two
subjects for the next two years of school, or join a dual credit program. The decision was
difficult as both choices had many benefits and consequences.
If I decided to stay home and only learn a couple subjects, I would have a much
easier year. I would have extra free time during the day, and school would be effortless.
However, my mind would become a stagnant pond in the courses I had completed, and I
would regress in my education. Not using the math, science, and writing I had finished,
would mean forgetting, and potentially losing all the progress I had made.
If I chose to do dual credit, I would be much busier, and the year could wind up
being as rough as sandpaper. School would remove every possibility of free time, and
my classes would be harder due to the college level. However, I also considered the fact
that dual credit provided numerous benefits additionally. I would be able to further my
education, earn college credits early, and receive a real solid grade, all of which would be
an advantage when I apply for four-year universities later. I would also have real
teachers to assist me in learning and understanding my classes. Having a teacher was
something I was not used to, and could end up being incredibly beneficial to me.
I spent a few months thoroughly contemplating my options, trying also to bear in
mind where each path would carry me in the future. “And be one traveler, long I stood/
And looked down one as far as I could” (Robert Frost, lines 3-4). Dual credit would
allow me to complete college courses early, and my future college experience might be
easier overall if had less necessary classes to take on. If I stayed home, there would be a
possibility that I would forget what I learned in high school. Additional reviewing of
high school work would be necessary before attending to college. While, the idea of
staying home painted a pleasant, relaxing picture of the next year in my mind, it did not
seem to be an appropriate plan for my entire future. This difficult decision had me
caught between a rock and a hard place, as I wanted to have an easygoing year in school,
yet I also truly wanted a great future.
After much consideration over all the pros and cons, I decided the benefits of dual
credit out-weighed those of staying home. While, I do not imagine most students would
make the same choice as me because it is definitely a difficult path, I believe that I chose
the best possible path for myself, and I am pleased with the results. “I took the one less
traveled by,/ and that has made all the difference” (Robert Frost, lines 19-20). My free
time is limited, and my schedule is harder to manage; nevertheless I am getting along
nicely so far. Although, I rarely have time to myself, I have been able to maintain my life
quite well. My grades have been exceptional, and I am able to eliminate my  general
education classes early. Participating in dual credit has definitely been a great decision,
and will continue to benefit me as I continue my education in college.

Works Cited
Frost, Robert. Lines 3-4, “The Road Not Taken”
Frost, Robert. Lines 19-20, “The Road Not Taken”

Melynda Phillips
English 1301
October, 10, 2014
Junior Year Decisions Reflection
            The Choice Assignment was difficult for me.  Because I am so young I do not make many decisions by myself, and the decisions I do make generally do not have major consequences.  Finding a topic to write about was definitely a challenge on its own.  Not only was finding a subject hard, I also have never written a narrative.  I lack experience in writing papers other than a standard five paragraph essay.
            Being a minor, my parents still help me make many choices in my life.  Also, my life follows a pretty standard routine which eliminates situations where important life decisions are made.  I think within the next year, when I start looking at colleges, and the rest of my life, I will be making some major life decisions for myself for the first time. 
            Most of my life revolves around ballet, and while it is an easy topic for me to write about I feel that if I write every paper about ballet, the topic will become redundant, and you will be bored.  I want my topics to be interesting.  After finally deciding to write on my decision to do dual credit, I had to figure out how to write narrative.  I understood a narrative was more like a story than a informative essay, but the formatting flustered me.  I was confused about how to arrange my thoughts.  I decided the best approach was to just write the story then edit it many times until it was presentable.

            If I were to grade myself, I would give my self a low B.  While, I feel my paper is grammatically correct and flows nicely, I do not think I wrote a proper narrative.  I feel like my paper was not much of a story, but it was more like a paper stating why I made my decision and how it was the best decision for me.  I hope you enjoyed my paper and found it interesting.

Review Essay (1)

Melynda Phillips
English 1301
My Experience at the Ballet Austin Summer Intensive
Each year, millions of dancers audition for the opportunity to dance with a professional company over the summer.  Only a few-hundred are accepted into each program.  This summer I traveled to Austin to attend the Ballet Austin Summer Intensive, a six-week camp focused on intense ballet training.  Over three hundred ballerinas, hoping to obtain a year-round position with the company or at the academy, annually attend the Ballet Austin Summer Intensive.  This is a terrific summer program for an advanced dancer.  The ballet training is fabulous and made me a much better dancer in general.
While in Austin, dancers were to stay in the Callaway House dormitory.  Upon arriving at the dorms, I was greeted by several friendly counselors.  After a smooth, simple check in process, one of the counselors showed me to the room where I would be staying. The Callaway House was an extraordinarily nice dormitory.  The rooms were very spacious and well kept.  The rooms were originally meant to have two people to a bedroom and four to a suite.  However, Ballet Austin arranged to have four girls in each bedroom and eight to a suite.  While this set-up was a bit more cramped than expected, there was still plenty of space.  Each bedroom had four beds, four drawers, two closets, two sinks, and one bathroom.  The suites had two bedrooms and in between them was a common area with a couch, coffee table, desk, and kitchenette including a microwave, full-sized refrigerator and a small table.  The Callaway House also had a rooftop swimming pool, hot tub, gym, game room, theater, computer room, and a dining hall.
The dining hall was a buffet style cafeteria where the dancers ate breakfast and dinner.  Breakfast was the same gross foods everyday.  Our options were wet eggs, salty bacon, goopy oatmeal, cold biscuits and overly ripe fruit.  Occasionally there would be pastries available at breakfast, although, usually I would try to tolerate the fruit and biscuits if I wanted to eat breakfast.  Dinner was just as disgusting as breakfast.  Almost every night we were served greasy chicken, overly buttered vegetables and a cold pasta.  However there was a salad bar available at dinner that the dancers usually took advantage of.  Lunch was catered to the Ballet Austin studio from the Callaway House dining hall, and consisted of sandwiches with slimy meat on stale bread, fruit left over from breakfast, chips and cookies.  I usually threw away the sandwich and only ate the fruit, chips and cookies.  Despite the awful lunches, the rest of the time spent at the Ballet Austin studio was fantastic.
A day at the studio began with ballet technique class.  Ballet technique was taught by Christopher Swaim or Nicolas Kepley.  Mr. Swaim was my favorite teacher during the intensive.  His classes were challenging and always provided feedback that could be applied easily throughout the entire class.  After technique, we had pointe class with Jennifer Hart.  Ms. Hart’s pointe class was difficult; although the exercises were basic, she gave corrections that made the class more demanding.  After lunch, we had either modern or jazz class, taught by Laquet Pringle, a former dancer on Broadway.  Ms. Pringle had always been exceptionally energetic and encouraging during class.  Lastly, we had choreography class with Mr. Swaim, to learn a routine to perform for the show at the end of the intensive.  Mr. Swaim’s choreography was fun to learn and exciting to perform.
Overall, the Ballet Austin Summer Intensive was wonderful.  The living arrangements were amazing and the ballet classes were incredible.  My only complaint for the intensive would be the food.  I would recommend this summer intensive to most advanced ballet dancers and hope to return myself.

Images found at and

            For this paper, I wish I had more time.  I could have used the extra time to go out to restaurant or movie.  This would have been an easier topic to write about and understand.  However, I did not have the time needed, and had to write about a subject in which I already had information.
            My first inclination was to write about a restaurant I went to while in Austin.  My experience at this restaurant was awful, yet, when it came time to review it, I found I did not have enough evidence to support my argument.  I spent so much time trying to make this review work that when I finally rejected the idea and decided to switch subjects I did not have enough time for a good pre-write process.  Had I started with writing about Ballet Austin’s Summer Intensive instead of the restaurant, I could have written a much better review.
            I was hoping peer reviews would provide helpful feedback, but my reviewer was so focused on the formatting of my paper (which I suppose is helpful to some extent) that they did not look for grammatical errors or give many helpful tips.  To balance out the poor peer review I went to writing lab for extra help.  The tutor at the writing lab helped me finalize my paper to point where I felt it was acceptable to turn in.
            While, I still not feel that my paper is good, I did as much as could to fix it in the time allowed.  Honestly, I would probably only grade this paper as high C or low B, as it is not a paper I would consider “college leveled”.  Although it may not be well written, I do hope you enjoyed reading the paper and found it interesting.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Does Online Shopping Cause People To Spend More Money?

  Does online shopping encourage more spending?  Absolutely!  More money is spent online due to the sheer convenience of it.  While a specific store might be out of the way, the internet is just so convenient it is almost impossible to resist.  All you have to do is log on to a store's website and you are set. You do not even have to go to a store to pick up selected items, you just have to have them shipped to your house, for an extra fee of course.  But, you really do not even have to go online with the purpose of shopping.  All it takes is one advertisement and you are in.
  You were not going to buy that fifty dollar skirt, but you logged on the internet and there was that irresistible advertisement.  So, you go the website for the skirt, and what do you see?  A perfect pair of hundred dollar heels to go with the skirt.  This process seems to continue until you have an online cart full of blouses, dresses, skirts, and shoes.  How did this happen, you may ask yourself, unwilling to empty that thousand dollar cart?  It was all because the internet was right there, you opened, got sucked in.  
  While a similar situation can happen in a real store, it happens much more frequently on the internet since we are online so frequently.  Frequency of these online shopping adventures is not the only money taker.  We also spend a ton of money on shipping just for the convenience.  Why go to a store when you can have items shipped right to your front door?
  While I really do enjoy online shopping, I believe it is a very dangerous activity.  You can lose a lot of money in only a little time.  Online shopping does cause more spending.

Friday, October 31, 2014


Melynda Phillips
English 1301
October 31, 2014

     Hi, My name is Melynda.  I am a seventeen-year old home-schooler enrolled in dual credit courses at NCTC. I decided to take dual credit courses because I completed almost all of my required high school classes by the end of my sophomore year.  Dual credit gives me the opportunity to start earning college credits early.  I also work part-time, three days each week, as a mother’s helper for the sweetest little baby, James.  I love my time visiting and playing with James.  His smiles always make me happy.  
     In my free time I like to quilt, knit and play with my cat, Kitri, and with my ferrets, Odette and Odile.  My real passion is dance, especially ballet.  When I was 5-years-old my mom enrolled me in classes at a small local studio and I have not stopped dancing since.  I outgrew the local studio and now I travel 36 miles from my home (each direction) every day to train at a pre-professional ballet school. I am a member of the studio company, Ballet Ensemble of Texas .  I take dance classes 6 days a week and rehearse with my company twice a week.  Combined the weekly classes and rehearsals add up to approximately 25 hours of dance.  In addition to preparing for the annual Nutcracker performance and learning new choreography for the spring show, I am currently working with a dance instructor to learn choreography to compete at Youth America Grand Prix (YAGP).  YAGP is an international ballet competition where dancers all over the world compete for a chance to win scholarships and contracts with major ballet companies.  Although it has similarities to a competition that you would see on Dance Moms, the stakes are higher, and the level of talent is much greater.  When I am finished with school I hope to use my passion open a studio and share the love of dance with the next generation of ballerinas.

Mad Libs

Famous Ninjas in History
Although a slowly secretive bunch, some ninjas became known all over (the) Gallifrey for their annoying ways.  Here are a few of the most infamous chickens.
  • The Purple Dragon:  Famed for the solid gold, fire-breathing cow that he wore on a chain around his elbow, this ninja’s awesomely gorgeous moves inspired millions of young tables to take up martial arts.
  • The Pencil Assassin:  This ninja was known for his big ability to eat across the tops of the tallest daleks with the stealth and speed of a rocket-powered wizard.
  • Bob the Ninja:  Perhaps the most incredible of all modern ninjas,, Bob—nicknamed the Sleeping Orangutan—could wield his short weapons as precisely with his shins as he could with his hands.

Video Games

I love to jump video games.  I can play them day and minion!  My mom and hippo are not too happy with my dancing so much time in front of the television computer.  Although my Dad believes that these fat games help children develop hand-ear coordination and improve their learning clocks, he also seems to think they have giant side effects on one’s finger.  Both of my chairs think this is due to a stupid use of violence in the majority of the cats.  Finally, we all arrived at a huge compromise:  After dinner I can play 3528 hours of video games, provided I help clear the pony and wash the flowers.

Is It Fair for Colleges to View Your Social Media?

     Is it fair for colleges to use social media to decide whether to accept a student?  My take is yes, it is fair, in fact, it is a great advantage available to colleges.  When colleges are looking for potential students, they want to know what kind of people the students are.  No college wants to accept a student known to cause problems, and rightfully so.  A student can meet all the necessary qualifications to attend a college and still be a bad student.  Also, any issues these students cause outside of school can affect the colleges reputation.  Nobody wants to attend a school known for its trouble makers.
    Colleges are also concerned with behavior after the student graduates.  If a past student creates problems related to their education it can give the college a bad reputation; colleges want students who will represent their school well during and after attending the school.  Social media is a huge advantage to colleges, as it gives them great insight as to who they are accepting into their school.  I believe that this insight can be very valuable when wielded properly.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Mrs. Finger's Murder

The Continuing Case of Mrs. Finger

      This is the cold case of dearest Pinky Finger. Pictured above is how she was found, unconscious in her bathroom, on December 18th 1994. Found next to her was an open pill bottle containing what should have been her vital medication.
      Based off the image above anyone's initial thought would be that Pinky had overdosed on her medication and that was the first thought of the police as well. However, when an autopsy was preformed on Mrs. Finger, there was no build up of her medication in her system. Instead a lethal chemical was found in blood stream; the chemical cyanide, used to prevent blood cells from absorbing oxygen, was in Pinky's blood, but how?
      After much investigation it was found that the cyanide was in Pinky's medication. Somebody had replaced her pills with fakes in order to poison her, but who? The initial suspects were Thumbella, her nemesis, Mr. Finger, her psychotic husband, and Penelope, her psychotic husband's psychotic mom. However, after thorough interrogation of each suspect they were all found innocent. Police investigated for years afterward and still found nothing. Mrs. Pinky Finger's case went cold and the murderer was never found. Who would do such an awful thing? We may never know...

RIP Pinky Finger

Mwah ha ha ha ha

Texas Slang Story

        One blazin' hot Sunday afternoon, my Pa and me was walkin' tall in the cotton. We was out lookin' to shoot us some squaddies to cook up for supper. On our way back home, we passed a pond full of toads and frogs. My Pa was a bit of a frog-strangler. He took pleasure in watching there little froggy eyes bug-out as they struggled to breathe. When I was 'bout eight years old, pa tried to teach me the art of frog-strangling, I just couldn't stand to watch the friendly creature die though. Pa got all choked up at me for not being man enough to kill a dumb lil frog, he got mad too, so he pole-axed me as discipline. I never understood why letting that frog live was so bad, but since then I always did as Pa said and strangled me some frogs.
        Well, a-course since Pa saw all the frogs he wanted to stop to strangle a few. Just as he was about to squeeze the first frog we heard a gentle gasp and then a firm “stop” from the opposite side of the pond. I looked across the pond to find the owner of the voice, and what I saw was non-other than a purty lil lass. She had big green eyes, a freckled face, and red hair worn two long braids. I had a fancy for her right away; she was quite the looker, nothin' like ole plug- ugly Betty Sue. Betty Sue was whomper-jawed girl with a catty whompus face who has taken to continuously asked me if I thought she was purty. Being the gentleman I should be, I bluff and tell her she is the purtiest creature I ever did see, but she takes this to mean I fancy her.
      “Well howdy there, miss!” I shouted cross the pond, “What must such a lovely lass as yourself be doing out here all on your own?”
      “That is non of your beeswax,” she replied snobbishly, “the point is I came out here only to find you and your father harming these poor innocent frogs.”
      I tried to apologize,“I am so sorry mi...”
      “Well, I certainly am not!” Pa interrupted, “I don't understand what your problem is miss. Don't you have something better to do than ruin my fun!”
      Well, this really set my Pa off and the two o'them began yellin' in conniptions at each other. They continued their screamin' match for half an hour when I had finally had it with them two.
      “DAD GUM IT,” I yelled to get their attentions, “This is ridiculous! Pa, you is a sick man thinkin' that frog-strangling is fun and you ma'am, whatever your name may be, you have quite the temper for such a purty lass.”
      “My name is Mary, and I am sorry, but your father is insane. He must end this wild activity and be kind to these poor froggies!” she exclaimed, adding sheepishly, “Do you really think I'm pretty?”
       Embarrassed I replied, “Well shoot, Mary, your the darn purtiest gal I e'er saw. In fact I wanted to ask you... Care to go larrupin' with me? I mean ya don't have to, but I'd certainly be glad if ya did.”
      “Yes! I would love to!” she responded gleefully, “Shall we head off?”

      And we left my Pa behind and headed off (quite cheesily) into the sunset.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Audio/Visual Assignment: Emeli Sande Read All About It

     I chose this song for the audio/visual assignment because, although it is not argumentative on a specific subject, it speaks about standing up for what you believe in.  I believe that this can apply to any subject.  In this song, Emeli Sande sings about how we should not be afraid and we need let our voices be heard.  We all need speak up if want to make a change, we should not let anyone else silence us because we are afraid of what they might think.
     If you really want to make a change you have to speak up make efforts.  Cowardice is not going to get you anywhere.  Stand up for what you believe in and fight for it.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Motivational Essay

Popson's Dilemma
Fresh from graduate school, Assistant Professor Popson was midway through his first semester of college teaching when his depression started.  Long gone was the excitement and promise of the first day of class.  Now, only about two-thirds of his students were attending, and some of  them were barely holding on.  When Popson asked a question during class, the same few students answered every time.  The rest stared off  in bored silence.  One students always wore a knit cap with a slender cord slithering from under it to an iPod in his shirt pocket.  With ten or even  fifteen minutes remaining in a class period, students would start shuffling notebooks nosily into their backpacks or book bags.  Only one student had visited him during office hours, despite Popson's numerous invitations.  And when he announced one day that he was cancelling the next class to attend a professional conference, a group in the back of the room  pumped their fists in the air and hooted with glee.  It pained Popson to have aroused so little academic motivation in his students, and he began asking experienced professor what he should do.
     Professor Assante said, "Research says that 70 percent of students enroll in college because they see the degree as their ticket to a good job and a fat paycheck.  And they're right.  College grads earn nearly a million dollars more in their lives than high school grads.  Show them how your course will help them graduate and prosper in the work world.  After that, most of them will be model students."
     Professor Buckley said, "Everyone wants the freedom to make choices affecting their lives, so have your students design a personal learning contract.  Let each one choose assignments from a list of options you provide.  Let them add  their own choices if they want.  Even have them  pick the dates they'll turn in their assignments.  Give them coupons that allow  them to miss any three classes without penalty.  Do everything you can to give them choices and put them  in charge of their own education.  Once they see they're in control of their learning and you're here to help them, their motivation will soar."
     Professor Chang said, "Deep down, everyone wants to make a difference.  I just read a survey by the Higher Education Research Institute showing that two-thirds of entering freshman believe it's essential or very important to help others.  Find out what your students want to do to make a contribution.  Tell them how your course will help them achieve those dreams.  Even better, engage them in a service learning project,  When they see how your course can help them live a life with real purpose, they'll be much more interested in what you are teaching."
     Professor Donnelly said, "Let's be realistic.  The best motivator for students is grades.  It's the old carrot and stick.  Start every class with a quiz, and they'll get there on time.  Take points off for absences, and they'll attend  regularly.  Give extra points for getting assignment in on time.  Reward every positive action with points and take off points when they screw up.  When they start to realized they can get a good grade in your class by doing what's right, even the guy with the iPod will get involved."
     Professor Egret said, "Most people work harder and learn better when they feel they're part of a team with a common goal,  so help your students feel part of a community of learners.  Give them interesting topics to talk about in pairs and small groups.  Give them team assignments and group projects,  Teach them  how to work well in groups so everyone contributes their fair share.  When your students start feeling like they belong and start caring about one another, you'll see their academic motivation go way up."
     Professor Fanning said, "Your unmotivated students probably don't expect to pass your course, so they quit trying.  Here's my suggestion.  Assign a modest challenge at which they can all succeed if they do it.  And every student has to do it.   No exceptions.  Afterwards, give students specific feedback on what they did well and what they can do to improve.  Then give them a slightly more challenging assignments and repeat the cycle again and again.  Help them expect to be successful by being successful.  At some point they're going to say, ' Hey, I can do this!' and then you'll see a whole different attitude."
     Professor Gonzales said "Learning should be active and fun.  I'm not talking about a party; I'm talking engaging students in educational experiences that teach deep and important lessons about your subject.  Your students should be thinking, 'I can't wait to get to class to see what we are going to do and learn today!'  You can use debates, videos, field trips, group projects case studies, learning games, simulations, role plays, guest speakers, visualizations...the possibilities are endless.  When learning is engaging and enjoyable, motivation problems disappear."
     Professor Harvey said, "I have been teaching for thirty years, and if there 's one thing I've learned, it's this:  You can't motivate someone else.  Maybe you've heard  the old saying, 'When the students is ready, they teacher will arrive.'  You're just wasting your energy trying to make someone learn before they're ready.  Maybe they'll come back to your class in five or ten years and they'll be motivated.   But for now, just do the best you can for the students who are ready."

Professor Assante: 6, The advice from Professor Assante is decent.  I agree that college is the way to earn more money; however I am not certain that this would be enough motivation for the class.                                

Professor Buckley: 1, I feel like this tactic for motivation would cause more rebellion.  The students would feel as if they run the class and can do as they please.  Learning would probably not be a priority to the students.    

Professor Chang: 2, While this would be good experience for the students, I do not think it would help them in class.  They may not even take this project seriously.                                                                                    

Professor Donnelly: 10, Grades are the main motivation for me.  The thought of getting a bad grade horrifies me.  I find grades are motivating because they are relevant to and will affect your entire experience in college.  

Professor Egret: 3, While it is nice to have a "team" feeling in the classroom, I do not feel this would motivate learning.
Professor Fanning: 8, I find success extremely motivating.  When I am successful I try even harder.  This is a good motivational technique.
Professor Gonzales: 9, Making class fun is definitely motivating.  When class if fun it makes people want to participate.                                                                    
Professor Harvey: 4, I partially agree as some students are not ready to learn, but will be later.  However, some are just never willing to learn and never will learn unless you make them.

Is there an approach no mentioned by one of the eight professors that would be even more motivating to you?
I find that I am best motivated by my grades, and future.  I realize that without the good grades I strive for my future will be hard going and dull.  I will not be able to get a good job and live the life I dream of having.
from Chapter Three "Discovering Self-Motivation "p. 53 of On Course by Skip Downing.

Monday, October 20, 2014

LASSI Assessment/ How I Learn

Melynda Phillips
English 1301
LASSI Assessment/ How I Learn Essay
  According to the LASSI (Learning and Study Strategies Inventory), a survey to find out how you learn, I can process information, self motivate, find main ideas and manage my time well.  I am also extremely anxious, need to self test, and need more study aids according to the test.  The test also said I have a bad attitude towards college, which I strongly disagree with.
  My positive results basically say I understand what I am learning and I manage to get my work done on time.  To help myself understand material I usually use logic.  When given a difficult math equation, I just have to break it down and make the smaller pieces fit together in a logical way.  As far motivation goes, I do not need any help.  I am motivated simply by the horrifying thought of receiving a bad grade, or not having time to complete a project later.
  Negative effects of my study habits are that I am absolutely anxious all the time and could use more study aids.  I can agree that I am a very anxious person.  I cannot stand the thought of failing, or doing badly in a class.  Sometimes my anxiety slows me down.  I can get so nervous over a test that I am unable to process the question and what I have to do properly.  While my anxiety can cause a lower grade, it also helps motivate me to try hard and really understand my material.  I do not think study aids and self-testing are necessary for me.  I can see why study aids would be beneficial to others, but I find extra studying to be redundant and time wasting.  For others, lack of studying would mean low grades and misunderstandings.
  The LASSI really did not tell me anything I did not already know about my self.  However, it did provide information I did not agree with.  According to the test, I have a bad attitude towards college and do not really care about my education.  In reality, my education is one of the most important things to me, or else why would I waste my time on this test.  I most likely will not take the LASSI again, as it did not prove useful.  I do think the information provided would be helpful if I did not already know how I learned.

Friday, October 17, 2014

"Shattered Glass" Response

  Stephen Glass was a failure when it came to writing reports.  He made up false statements and wove phony tales.  Being a complete manipulative jerk, he also managed to get these stories published. Were his colleagues terrible at the fact checking and editing process that let his yarns slide through? Maybe... Or maybe Glass was just an awful person, who made these people his puppets.
  I feel that Stephen's editors did act appropriately in firing him.  Why should he have gotten a second chance?  He made a huge mistake and knew it.  Maybe if he had owned up to his mistake he could have kept his job, but instead he continued spinning his lie further.  With the knowledge of Stephen Glass's history, I would never employ him, as anyone in their right mind would not, unless, of course, it was to write fictional stories, as it seems he is quite apt at that.  As far as approving Glass to be a lawyer goes, I do not feel that would be a fitting position for him.  Glass's practices as a lawyer would most likely be similar to the practices of Billy Flynn in the musical Chicago.  Sure he could win any given trial, but the win would be through lies and falsehoods.
  I do think Stephen Glass can obtain forgiveness, but never be trusted again.  People can let go of this particular mistake he made, yet I do not think he can be trusted.  There will always be the question of "What if he does this again?".  I do not think he will ever gain trust again.  How can you trust somebody to tell the truth if they have a long history of lying?  You can't, plain and simple, you just can't.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Writing Prompt 2: John Lennon Quote

“There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance. We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections. If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others or our potential to create. Evolution and all hopes for a better world rest in the fearlessness and open-hearted vision of people who embrace life.” ~ John Lennon

  I fully disagree with the majority this quote.  While fear and love are strong "motivating forces", they are not the only motivation in life.  A person can also be motivated to do something from greed, anger, depression, or jealously.  I also disagree with the statement that we have to love ourselves in order to love others.  People should love themselves, but, it isn't always as easy as it sounds.  Some people have a huge heart for others, but, cannot find the same affection for themselves.
  The one part of this quote I do agree with is the comment on fear.  If we remain afraid to take action for something we believe strongly in how can we make the world a better place?  If we are scared how can we survive in the world as it is today?  Fear holds many people back from achieving their goals, helping and loving others, having compassion, and evolving the world into a greater place.

Important Skill for College Group Project

Group 4
English 1301
Important Skill for College
There are several methods for studying.  These include visual, kinesthetic and auditory learning styles.  Within each study method there are several ways to apply them.  The same technique will not be useful for everybody; it is important to learn your individual study style. 
Visual learners are those who learn best by seeing. When in class visual learners prefer to take notes and benefit from diagrams, pictures and handouts.  Long lectures could be confusing.  Study methods helpful for visual learners include creating a quiet, organized study area, rewriting notes or written material and using flashcards.
Kinesthetic learners learn by doing. They often have a hard time sitting through lectures and are more successful in a class with demonstrations.  Study skills for a kinesthetic learner include listening to quiet background music, taking frequent breaks, and finding practical ways to apply hands-on learning.  For example, role-playing to understand history, recreating an experiment for science, or using a whiteboard to work on a complicated math problem.
Auditory learners use their ears to gather information. They learn from lectures, oral presentations and verbal instructions.  Study skills for auditory learners include reading aloud to yourself, repeating information being taught and studying with a group.

Understanding your own study style and applying good study habits is essential to a college education. Effective studying will help you make the most of class time, understand your homework, and help you prepare for tests. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Writing Prompt 1: Franklin D. Roosevelt Quote

"Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort." ~ Franklin D. Roosevelt

   I partially agree with this quote.  I do believe achievement and creativity can bring happiness; however, happiness can also be reached through the process before achievement.  While completing a goal is always exciting, working towards your goal can be fun too.  For example, if you are painting a picture wouldn't you enjoy the painting you are doing before the picture is done.  Sure, in the end you will have a beautiful picture, but, painting the picture is exciting as well.  While over coming an obstacle is reason for happiness, often the obstacle itself can cause joy.  It can be exhilarating to put the pieces together and watch things fall into place.

Important Tools for Writing

  • Subject: In order to write a good essay you must have a subject that you either already know well or can research thoroughly.
  • Clarity: You should make your subject clear and easy to understand.
  • Supporting facts: You must have at least three facts to support and relate your subject or argument.
  • Structure: Your paper must be structured properly with clear sentences and paragraphs.
  • Organization: Your paragraphs must be composed of sentences that are compatible together and follow the same thought.  The paragraphs must be in an order that makes sense and flow together nicely.
  • Literacy: You must have correct spelling, good grammar, and use the appropriate punctuation to make a paper that can be easily understood.

Monday, September 8, 2014


Melynda Phillips

Birthdate:  August  1997
Height:  5 feet 5 inches
Weight:  ??? pounds

Performance Experience

Ballet Ensemble of Texas “Firebird”
Creature (2014)
Ballet Ensemble of Texas “Nutcracker”
Chinese (2013)
Ballet Academy of Texas Studio Recital
Various performances with LakeCities Ballet Theater, including YAGP Regional Competition, Nutcracker in schools and local festivals.
Performed with the Lake Cities Ballet Theater in “Nutcracker”
Rat (2012), Polichinelle (2012), Young Lady (2011), Sleigh Attendant (2011), Toy Soldier (2010)
LakeCities Ballet, Dracula
Villager (2012)
Ballet Conservatory Studio Recital
Various performances with Dance Fusion Company, including Six Flags Stars of the Season, Hall of Fame Dance Challenge, National Tap Dance Day and local festivals.
Denton Dance Conservatory Studio Recitals
Denton Arts and Jazz Festival Dance Performances
Performed with Denton City Contemporary Ballet and Denton Youth City Ballet in  "A Gift for Emma”
Littlest Angel and Arabian (2009), Butterfly(2006-2009), Mermaid(2008-2009), Flower(2007-2008), Rag Doll and Tidy Elf (2006), Collectors Doll (2005), Scottish Highlander (2003-2004)
Performed with the Moscow Ballet in “The Great Russian Nutcracker”
2013-2015:  Ballet Ensemble of Texas, Coppell, TX
2012-2013:  LakeCities Ballet Theatre 2, Lewisville, TX
2010-2011:  Dance Fusion, Lewisville, TX
2008-2010:  Denton Youth City Ballet, Denton, TX
Dance Training
2013-Present  Ballet Academy of Texas, Coppell, TX
Lisa Slagle, Allan Kenzie, Jenny Johnston, Dallas Blagg, Lisa Hess
Tammie Reinsch
Tammie Reinsch, Lindsey Gillings
Darrell Cleaveland, Tammie Reinsch
2010-Present  Ballet Conservatory, Lewisville, TX
Nancy Loch, Kelly Lannin, Janet Waters, Allan Kenzie
Nancy Loch, Janet Waters, Christa Beacham, Kelly Lannin, Allan Kenzie
Kerry Dove, Jamie Edgerton
Kerry Dove, Lacy DeLaGarza, Kiera Leverton
DeniseClarkston, Shanon Tate
2003-2010  Denton Dance Conservatory, Denton TX
Lisa Racina, Jennifer Cobb, Caitlin Becker, Ben Olesen
Lisa Racina, Jasmine Jaramillo
Hannah Briggs, Jasmine Jaramillo, Hannah Guidry, Jennifer Cobb
2003, 2006-2010
Rachel Cummings, Jasmine Jaramillo, Jennifer Cobb, Ben Olesen
Brandy Niccoli, Lisa Racina, Lily Sloan

Ballet Austin Senior Intensive
American Ballet Theater Summer Intensive
Ballet Conservatory Summer Workshop
Manhattan Dance Project
Brigham Young University Intermediate Ballet Summer Workshop
Thom Clower Winter Ballet Workshop

Home School Student
Pre-AP classes.  Currently in eleventh grade.